
Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Air and Space Museum

This weekend, we went to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum near Dulles Airport outside of Washington D.C. I have already shared one picture from the trip - here are a couple more.

This first picture is the Space Shuttle Enterprise, with me underneath. I kinda have a headache now from picking it up with my head.

A back-side view of the Enterprise.

Some things from the "space toys" display.

And, there were a ton of different sorts of airplanes. I have one that I took several pics of that I need to merge together - like a panarama shot. But for now, I'll stick with a simple one, the Pepsi Cola plane.

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Anonymous said...

Nice photos..

I especially like the vintage biplane. Would like to have one of those sittin' out in the backyard.

Arkansawyer said...

Thanks. Appreciate the feedback. There were a few other neat airplanes. This one was "purty" though.