
Friday, April 25, 2008

I prefer my coffee black, thank you

Ever have one of those days?

It all started yesterday. I work in two places - err... I am employed by one employer who has facilities at two different addresses? Something like that.

After a meeting at my "normal" place, I went to the other one... I grabbed a coffee mug full of coffee on my way out the door. I downed it on the way over, and left the mug sitting in the cup holder of my truck.

Then last evening, I had to take the kids into town. Jeremy was going to scouts, and Kate was hanging out with me, walking down by the river, trying to find some pretty shots:




We did find the pretty pictures, got Jeremy and headed home...

And this morning, I got up and came into work. I pulled the McDonald's napkin that had been stuffed into my mug out and threw it away without a second thought. I rinsed the mug quickly, poured the coffee, and went to my desk.

I logged on the computer, sat sipping the coffee for a moment or two, thinking... This is pretty good coffee today.

Then I noticed it. Something stuck to the inside of my mug. As I looked, a sinking, queasy feeling developed. A bit of the lump broke away and drifted into the blackness of the coffee.

It's a good thing I have a heavy duty stomach and don't get sick very easily... because I KNEW what it was.

Rewind to last night again. We were a bit late, needed to eat, so I thought - we'll go through the McD's drive through.

As we neared town, Kate sneezed. When she did so, she pinched her nose shut. I fussed at her - you can (and she has in the past) hurt your ears that way. She said, "Well... it's better than the alternative." And I insisted it was not. So on came another sneeze. This time, the snot did fly.

I had Jeremy look in the glove box but I had nothing. My handkerchief I had left at home when I changed out of my work clothes. So when we got to McD's, I asked the drive-through person for extra napkins. Most of them ended up on the floor of the truck. But one, got stuffed into my mug.

err. Guess which one.
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