
Saturday, February 26, 2005

Heroic Sacrifices

Throughout history, sacrifices have played a large part in the lives of mankind. There are famous examples, in Christian and Jewish traditions, such as Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son. In more "modern" times, tribes in southern North America (the region now known as Mexico), Central and South America used to sacrifice humans to the Gods for their approval. In some cases, they would send their most feared and revered warriors to the Gods. It was a way to ensure that the shorter and shorter days of late autumn and early winter would end and that the days would once again become longer and warmer.

In modern life, there are examples of sacrifices, too. True, we may not see a priest put a lamb... or a child... or a warrior... on an altar to be sacrificed in the name of his God. Those things may happen in this world - but we don't usually see them.

But what of the every-day sacrifices that people make? What of the child who tells her friend, "Here, you can have my banana... I didn't want it anyway...” when really, she did.

What of the Mother, who gets her man off to work, her children to school, and then spends the day washing laundry. And at the end of the day, when everyone comes dragging into the door, complaining about their rough days... supper is waiting. Many times... not a single Thank You.

And the person, who listens to his friend talk about her dreams and aspirations - who encourages her to reach for the stars, to do things that are good for her, even though it may mean that he is left out.

The father, who offers his approval to his daughter... and escorts her down that longest of aisles, to give her away to her new 'man'. Dad, they say, if you love her, give her wings.

I've learned that in this world, when you're discouraged by the state of mankind and the world around you - when you are beginning to think that there is no good left in the world... What you really need to do is quit focusing on the negatives. Look around you - there are heroes everywhere.

That little girl really wanted the banana, but could see that her friend was hungry - so what to do? There's no question of it... a friend's need comes first.

The Mom who slaves every day for her family... the friend... the father... they are all heroes... and they are beside us, each day, in the market, at work, at school and church.

Who are these heroes, you say? YOU are. I am. Every time we act unselfishly. Every time we make a little sacrifice. It is inside us, each and every one, the ability to be there for someone else. Sometimes we feel like we've wasted our days... or our lives... or ... whatever... but in the end, when the day is done - if we have touched someone's life and made it a better place - then we are true heroes. Sometimes that smallest sacrifice, the ‘banana’, is all it takes.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, I needed that. Your Sis

Anonymous said...

10-26-06 Once again...I needed that. I was just browsing through your archives and came across this. I thought..I needed that today. I decided to post a comment only to find an earlier comment by me of the same thing. So I dated this one. Sis