
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

If it looks like a duck, don't worry, it's probably a dragon.

Back some time ago, I did a post where I quoted a spam message I had recieved. It was almost garbled and incoherant - the sentences were fragmented and changed mid-sentence to new subject lines.

Nowadays, as the spam wars rage, our inbox is flooded with ever more garbage. I got a solicitation for me to buy a certain stock whose price is rising dramatically (so they claim).

At the end of the plug for the stock, the following text is appended - paragraphed as I have pasted into this post. I only point this out because as the spam filter people at gmail, microsoft, and spambayes, among others, get smarter, so do the spammers.

This solicitation was the first of it's type in a while to land in my inbox instead of my spambox, and I think it is due to the fact that there really were complete sentences. Even, perhaps, complete thoughts. Although it would appear that this person (if he existed - instead of being some computer generated cr--), suffers from ADD or ADHD, or some other hyperactivity disorder that causes him to jump from thought to thought.

I post this here for your amusement... It's a whim I guess. You can almost, if you try, find a pattern in this, but certainly it would be a waste of time to put that much effort into it. It actually reminds me of a movie, where space aliens are 'scanning' earth television signals and picking up random sentences here and there, each separated by bursts of static.

The first part was an attempt to get you to buy a certain stock then
this follows:

Puzzling out stuff like this is good for your brains, people, and if you do
it right, it's a he-- of a lot of fun. Finglonger now that's funny.

Two news items about the book: I did the math, and decided to do a limited edition of signed, numbered hardcovers, inspired by John Scalzi's The Sagan Diary. Speaking of voiceovers, I'm curious as to whether the guys over at Fox ever asked you to do some voices for their animated shows?

If we're keeping count you can mark me down for a signed edition.

I'm sure you'll be missed by all the cast and crew that do make it up there.

Congrats to Ryan, and to his family. Geez, I'm out of it today. It's a win-win situation! Ever since August Wilson left, there's been a void in the universe. WHAT TO DO Please, please pass this information along so that we can reach someone who knows any more details about Donna's disappearance or about the suspect, John Burgess. Any help would be great. She is a student in Santiago Canyon College in Orange California where she is currently taking summer classes. I processed way more orders than I thought I would, and definitely enough to stress test this system, in about two hours. Our shipping center is my living room, and our warehouse is my garage.

It's doubtful that the network will ever air the final two episodes, but it's possible they'll show up one day on Drive's MySpace page.

If the backyard were beautifully landscaped, would you feel more inclined to spend time keeping it beautiful and well taken care of?

" I wasn't sure to put this in a comment to the Floyd post or here, and not sure if someone else has already sounded the alarums, so. I'd still do it even though it's more expensive than media mail, but you might ask the WWdN readers in another post for that one. I can't wait for it to come out.

Our shipping center is my living room, and our warehouse is my garage.

that just blew my mind.

I'll pay extra and everything! If the backyard were beautifully landscaped, would you feel more inclined to spend time keeping it beautiful and well taken care of? Your parents borrowed my parents's camera?

It was always a grand affair, and I looked forward to spending each Independence Day listening to Sousa marches, swimming in their enormous pool, and watching a fireworks show on the back patio.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck then treat it like a duck and don't
worry so much about if it is really a dragon. Any help would be great.

I think your natural voice is very unique.

Now, the only thing here that really tickled my fancy - and yes, sometimes you can find a treasure even in a trashheap, was the quote: "If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck then treat it like a duck and don't worry so much about if it is really a dragon."


John Scalzi said...

Looks like most of it was taken from a Wil Wheaton discussion of a limited edition chapbook he's planning to make (plus comments from his readers about that and another topic covered in the post).

What's likely to have happened it that some spambot automatically cut and pasted the discussion into the spam message to get it past your filter's Bayesian filtering.

(Also, no, it's not a coincidence I turned up here -- I was doing a search on my name and this popped up.)

Arkansawyer said...

That's cool... Glad you commented - I had absolutely NO idea where this came from... :)