
Thursday, December 22, 2005


Looks like a nice day out today. Betcha it’ll hit about 84-85 degrees by 2pm…

My bones been cold so long, I think I’ll just go stretch out in the sun somewhere, leaning on a big old oak tree, and soak up them rays, filtered through the branches and leaves. Maybe I'll read a book, or simply sit and watch the ducks down on the river, splashing around, or the squirrels, playing and chattering up in the treetop. The flowers are getting purty again, too. I can almost see the grass growing - it's been shooting up an inch a day at least, for the last week or so.

It will feel good to be warm again. But I do like the winter and the snow. This is just the first of those pangs of wishing for something I cannot have taking over. Give it another two months and I'll be saying, isn't this ever gonna end? But if it weren't for the periods of coldness, we wouldn't much appreciate the warmth, now would we?

I suppose we all have that pang of dissatisfaction, in some form or fashion, all too often. We're given beauty and life and can't quite be satisfied with what we've got. I bet in the springtime when things start getting green again - it'll be raining too much. And in the summer, when everything is growing like mad, it'll be too hot. And the autumn... Well. I bet it'll be perfect. Just for a moment.

Then, it'll be gone.


Anonymous said...

Do I sense rebellion in the air against the first official "full" day of winter?

Surely not....

Arkansawyer said...

Surely not...

Perhaps, maybe, a rebellion against life, the universe, and everything!