
Friday, December 09, 2005

S. E. P.

I don't like to write posts on the fly. I really do like to sit down and think about something worth writing, write it, and check it for grammar, and spelling, and then, cut and paste it into blogger.

This all assumes that you have the time to spend. I am guilty, often, of having way too much time on my hands. Sometimes, this is a very, very bad thing, as idle hands and minds tend to get themselves into trouble. But, usually, it makes for a fairly relaxed working environment, and as "fires" need to be stomped out, I hop on them and do it.

But, today, and probably for the next few, I am going to be busy on a project. It doesn't even matter the nature of the problem, but... I'll just describe it as an S.E.P. This was Douglas Adam's acronym for Somebody Else's Problem.

In one of his books, a spaceship landed in the middle of a ball game, in England, and no one could see it. That is, it was there. But, they didn't choose to see it. Their minds blocked it. They ignored it. It didn't exist, in their perceptions.

At work, we had a problem, a couple of years ago, that probably should have been fixed, then. But, it was somebody else's problem. I pushed and pushed and pushed for a "right" fix, but, there were other priorities, other projects, and no one wanted to pay the bill, take the responsibility, and eventually it shuffled off into a corner and got quiet.

And now, people are trying to "look ahead", to create a "roadmap" as it were for work, and I have resurrected this beast, this S.E.P., because now, since it was never taken care of before, it's an even bigger problem. It's one of those that isn't a problem, until something breaks, and then, it's a show stopper.

So, my posts may be few or far between, or they may not be - don't really know. All I know is if you do spot grammatical errors, or other problems, it ain't entirely my fault. It's S.E.P.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I’ve seen a few of those in my lifetime myself. And oh yes, even sent out warnings, as it were, about the certainty of the coming of other events. But alas….it will almost always fall on deaf ears - for few can think or see past the end of the day, much less the “Saucer” in the middle of the field. So we must bear the cost of our circumstance and play with the cards we are dealt unless we are fortunate enough to be allowed to walk away from the table. But with desperation setting in on the opponent, we will never be afforded that choice.

All that to simply say…..”Hang In There My Friend!”