
Friday, November 04, 2005

Letter from h2g2

I wrote some time ago on the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Earth Edition (an online encyclopedia of sorts), and how I had submitted an article for "peer review" in the hopes that it would be picked up... it was, finally, (meaning, I am officially a "published" writer) and here's the email I recieved from them:

Dear James "Geekahilbility" Arkansawyer,

We're delighted to inform you that the h2g2 Guide Entry
that you sent to the Editors has indeed been Approved.
Your Entry has been used as the basis for an entry entitled
"Binary Digits".

This Approved Guide Entry may be viewed at the following URL:

Thanks ever so much for helping to grow the Guide, and we
do hope that you continue to write and submit Entries of
this calibre.

Best wishes,

The h2g2 Team
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Earth Edition

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