
Monday, November 21, 2005

Part of the Problem

I was walking along, and saw a piece of electrical tape on the floor, and kinda scuffed it with my foot, and kept walking.

My "little voice" said to me, "You know, if you don't pick it up, then you're part of the problem." So, I turned around and picked it up. I went down the hallway, through the door, and started up the aisle, when part of someone's ripped up receipt caught my eye. I didn't let myself think twice, I just reached down and picked it up.

I had passed it a couple of times already this morning, as had uncounted others. But there is within me somewhere, this occasional "good guy" that says, "If you see a problem, and you ignore it, then you are the problem."

A lot of times, I ignore him, but today, for some reason, I felt like listening. Too bad everything else in life isn't so easy to fix. I now have a nice, neat looking office area, thanks to two bits of trash in my trash can. Today, for once, I wasn't a part of that problem.

I don't know what that proves or disproves, it's just my good deed(s) for the year, I guess.

Santa, did you notice?

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