
Thursday, May 18, 2006

Everyday Angels

I recently stumbled onto a concept that I like. It's called "Everyday Angels". There's probably a ton of writing on it, somewhere on the web. No I haven't google'd it. But, I think I've got the gist of it - at least - enough that for me, I am happy with my understanding of it.

An Everyday Angel is simply someone who takes the time to make someone else's world a better place. It's that easy. No strings attached. No cash necessary.

It may simply be that the person took the time to listen to his friend, when she was troubled. Or she gave a hug, when she could tell her friend was down. It might be the guy who, tired, driving home from work, saw someone broken down beside the road, and took the time to help them get back up and running, or gave them a lift to the nearest phone.

I have a big sister, who has a family, a job. A ton of stress on many different levels. Yet, when someone in the family, Grandma, even a neighbor or a friend, needs anything, they know she's there. She's the cab driver for appointments, the ear for complaints, the friend for those in need. She is an Everyday Angel.

I have an older brother, who volunteers time, with the local fire department, with other community groups. He's a first responder - helping during almost any kind of minor - or major - emergency. He will be driving home from work, after a long day, and if he sees someone broken down, he's the first to turn around and go back to help, or at least, offer help. He is an Everyday Angel.

Everyone has within them the capacity to listen, to "feel", to some extent, another's pain. Everyone has the ability to care… and to show that they care. And sometimes, the greatest thing an Angel can do is care. Everyone, even you and I, can be an Everyday Angel.

You begin saving the world by saving one man at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politics.
- Charles Bukowski (1920 - 1994)

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